Promoting Resilience and Employability in university students through Internships for futurE Work - Grant Agreement n. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000088742


Work Package 2Building the competences for remote work in the academic community of tomorrow

The aims of this WP are:
  • OS1 To collect all possible data and information to develop a common theoretical framework considering that each University Partner has a different internship programme and policy (different internship type, different duration, different assessment methodology, different academic credit, different national rules and legislation etc). Even inside every University, different academic programs may require internships with different characteristics. There is no even common European definition of internships and confusion often arises between the terms internships and apprenticeships.
  • OS2 Design an evidence-based course curriculum on remote working skills for students and graduates. During this activity the Consortium will investigate methods, formats and topics used by higher education institutions to promote acquisition of skills and competences already identified. After these exploration and analysis the Consortium from the key competence for remote working already identified by the Consortium by a previously need described in the section relevance of the project and by the main findings of previous activity, develops a pedagogical model that enables the implementation of specific instructional and learning strategies using the PREVIEW learning/teaching HUB.
The WP2 is divided into 5 Tasks
  • Task. 2.1 - Programme Internship Process Mapping (M1-M6). Led by ASE.
  • Task 2.2 - Survey on needs and expectations of students and graduates on high quality remote internships (M3-M8). Led by ASE.
  • Task 2.3 - Service Design Living and Collaborating Laboratories (M6-M16). Led by USAL.
  • Task 2.4 - Building out the Remote Internship Blueprints (M10-M16). Led By USAL.
  • Task 2.5 - L&T course about Service Design Methodology (M4 - M5). Led By USAL and CNR.

Work Package 2 description

  • Task 2.1 - Programme Internship Process Mapping
    Each University partner is in charge to map and describe : all the actors involved in internships and their roles/tasks (university teacher and tutor, student, company human relations manager etc); all the administrative steps and documents necessary to start, manage and assess an internship; all the support actions provided (i.e Interview, In-Company Training and Counselling meeting, Skills workshops for the development of soft skills etc ); quality indicators for the assessment form.
  • Task 2.2 - Survey on needs and expectations of students and graduates on high quality remote internships
    Research questions leading the work could be (a) How do higher education institutions provide/promote self-understanding, self awareness, and personal development of students? (b) How do higher education students prepare themselves to face the world of work? (c) How do higher education students prepare themselves to face the work paradigm related to the digital era? (d) In which way educational and career guidance is integrated into higher education learning and support systems? The Survey will cover 20 European Countries.
  • Task 2.3 - Service Design Living and Collaborating Laboratories
    USAL designs and implements the Collaborative Lab to be held in the three University applying the Service Design Blueprint Methodology to redesign the internship experience in remote key.
  • Task 2.4 - Building out the Remote Internship Blueprints
    It will be designed to provide a synthetic picture, a map that accurately describes the internship “system”, so that the different people involved in the process of its provision can understand and deal with it objectively regardless of their role or personal point of view. The RIB visualizes the relationships between different service components — people, props (physical or digital evidence), and processes — that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey.
  • Task 2.5 - L&T course about Service Design Methodology
    CNR and USAL design and organize a short course of 5 day duration about SD methodology addressed to Consortium teacher and administrative staff (2 from each University and 1 from the other partners).

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