Erasmus + Preview Project - Mediterranean Pearls (Colosseum in Rome, Italy)


Logo Mediterranean Pearls APS

Mediterranean Pearls APS is an agency for the coordinated management of all the elements that make up a Destination (attractions, access, marketing, human resources, image and prices). It adopts a strategic approach to connect very different entities to each other for better Destination Management. Mediterranean Pearls, created on a precise cross-border added value, supports the development of business, promoting the creation of commercial alliances in order to improve the economy, the quality and the range of services for experiential tourism.
Mediterranean Pearls was born in order to promote tourist destinations in the Italian and foreign Mediterranean basin that focus on sustainable and eco-compatible tourism. Mediterranean Pearls wants to promote ecological tourism in the sea, hill, river and lake areas, relying mainly on ecological mobility.
Mediterranean Pearls is inspired by the philosophy of sustainable tourism promoted by Alpine Pearls, the well-known international cross-border cooperation based in Austria, privileged partner and support for know-how and best practices. Mediterranean Pearls Tourism Board is made up of 11 members, 5 of whom are junior and senior professionals who are experts in green tourism, in the circular economy, in communication, in urban regeneration.

Mediterranean Pearls APS is a research center on the Mediterranean managed by figures specialized in urban regeneration and projects against depopulation of the internal Italian areas. Mediterranean Pearls proposes with its destination managers some types of travel in sustainable and naturalistic mobility. Studying the Italian problem of the 3000 km of railways decommissioned without just cause and, in general, the ruin of the related industrial archaeological heritage, Mediterranean Pearls has gained experience in the reuse of abandoned assets and how to bring them to functions other than their original ones.
This work done by Mediterranean Pearls is based on the pillars of the circular economy and the regeneration of these sites in modified landscape settings that, with the cessation of production activity, should be reborn.

Mediterranean Pearls' staff includes professionals capable of creating a series of initiatives throughout the country that aim to raise widespread awareness of what remains of a productive activity that has profoundly marked entire areas of Italy, in order to relaunch a project for the protection and enhancement of ideal sites for the application of modern principles of green economy and circular economy. Mediterranean Pearls works with mobility managers, architects, urban planners, destination managers, communicators, travel designers, and nature guides able to stop the loss of historical memory of abandoned places such as railways and mines, from the economic point of view, but also from the sociological and anthropological aspects.

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