
Updates from Preview and other interesting news relevant to the topics covered

Focus Group at ASE: the outcomes

On the occasion of Erasmus Days 2023, the partner universities of the Preview Project have shared the results of recent Focus Groups. This is to introduce the Remote Internship Blueprint to students, company mentors, HR managers and other stakeholders. Below some intriguing insights from the Focus Group organized by Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

The Focus Group organized by ASE concluded that remote internships have merits and are a valuable option, depending on individual goals and field of study. They offer diverse skill development and networking opportunities when supported by effective engagement strategies. Remote internships provide flexibility and accessibility, creating a dynamic blend of physical and online experiences in modern education.
To address challenges in remote internships, proactive and strategic measures are essential. Clear expectations and evaluation criteria are crucial for success. Effective program design and skill development are necessary to maximize the benefits of remote internships.

Balanced scheduling, communication, and feedback mechanisms are pivotal for effective remote internships. Clear communication, collaboration, and task balance are key factors for the success of intern projects. The roles of academic and practice tutors, along with initial in-person meetings, play a vital role in intern learning and growth.
Motivation in remote internships involves routines, clear expectations, mentorship, and potential reward systems. Success in remote internships is assessed through factors like goal achievement, skill development, engagement, professionalism, and adaptability, using feedback and performance assessment.

Preview Project - Bucharest University of Economic Studies

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