
Events organised as part of the Erasmus + Preview Project or external events related to the project themes

13 Oct, 2022
Preview Project joins Erasmus Days

Preview Project joins Erasmus Days

  • 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Online


International Mobility and European Citizenship are at the heart of the #ErasmusDays 2022 to be held on the 13th, 14th and 15th of October 2022. Three days of celebrating the Erasmus+ Programme by sharing experiences in Europe, organising events and disseminating a project funded by the programme.

During the Erasmus days, on 13 October 2022, the project "PREVIEW - Promoting Resilience and Employability in uniVersity students through Internship for futurE Work" funded under the EU Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by CNR will be presented. The project arose from the need to train students and graduates with the key skills for smart working. It is therefore proposed to train students and graduates through a specific e-learning platform on the skills identified as critical to meet the challenges of distance working. Afterwards, students and graduates will have the opportunity to put these skills into practice in the context of remote work placements, testing to what extent they are able to work remotely and interact and collaborate effectively with colleagues and superiors remotely.
In addition to providing a description of the aims and objectives of the PREVIEW project, the speakers will discuss the role of European universities in providing their students with skills that are indispensable for successful integration into the labour market, the importance of combining digital and non-digital skills, and designing processes specifically for remote work placements.


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