
Updates from Preview and other interesting news relevant to the topics covered

10th Preview Project Meeting

10th Preview Project partner meeting on October 1st 2024

On Tuesday, October 1st, the 10th partner meeting of the Preview Project will be held online.
On the agenda:

  • Updates about the development status of the MOOCS to be included in the platform (WP3)
  • Undergoing and next recruiting activities for students, university tutor and company that will join the remote internship (WP4)
  • Number of potential participants to the remote internships (WP4)
  • Contents for the next newsletter to be released in June 2025 (WP5)
  • Erasmus days (WP5)
  • Associated partners (WP5).

Furthermore, there will be discussion about the upcoming events planned in Italy and Turkey.
Stay tuned!

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