Promoting Resilience and Employability in university students through Internships for futurE Work - Grant Agreement n. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000088742


Work Package 4PREVIEW model for innovative curriculum with remote internship in higher education

The WP4 will be designed and delivered according to the output of all previous activities as well as shaped according to the PREVIEW Learning/Teaching HUB. The core activities will be the organization of an innovative educational path that include a remote internship training for 100 students and graduates (at least 16 students and graduates with economic and geographical disadvantages) that best combines digital online technology into a work based learning experience addressing the enhancement of new five remote working competences.
The WP1 is composed of 2 tasks:
  • Task 4.1 - Preparation to the remote internship (M18-M24). Led by UNISS.
  • Task 4.2  - Cross cultural and inclusive Remote internship (M24-M36). Led by UNISS.

Work Package 4 description

  • Task 4.1 - Preparation to the remote internship
    Preparation to the remote internship that consists in the selection and training of the 90 students and 50 education operators (teachers, trainers, university and company tutors, etc) to be involved in the program. The goal of this task is to prepare all those who will be involved in the remote internship (student or graduate, University staff and teacher, Host organization HR staff) in the best possible way. During this phase the students, graduates selected as well as the education operator will attend the MOOC’s created in the WP3 for developing remote skill and competences. Preliminary the Consortium will perform desk research on the remote skills and competences in order to update the state of art .
  • Task 4.2 - Cross cultural and inclusive remote internship
    This task is dedicated to the organization of the total of 90 remote internships. Besides, to evaluate and assess skills developed by all Internship actors a skill questionnaire will be submitted to the participants.The students questionnaire is composed of:
    Part I: Demographic information - Part II: Reasons for participation in remote internship, and Part II: Quality evaluation about the remote internship - Part III Assessment of information related to professional and personal growth and skills.
    The results of the study depict the impact of internship programs on the professional and personal growth and skills of the students involved in the activities. The university staff and host organization HR staff questionnaire is composed by Part I Quality evaluation about the remote internship, Part II Assessment of information related to professional and personal growth and skills with relation to role covered during the internship remote program. Examples of questionnaires will be identified among the EU DigComp framework and the assessment will be realized by free tools provided by previous Erasmus+ projects.

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