Promoting Resilience and Employability in university students through Internships for futurE Work - Grant Agreement n. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000088742

Erasmus + Preview Project - Università degli Studi di Sassari


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The Università degli Studi di Sassari (University of Sassari) is an Italian public University based in Sardinia region. UNISS main campus is based in Sassari (population 130,000), the main city in the North of Sardinia. It lies on a range of hills overlooking the strait between Northern Sardinia and the Southern coast of Corsica.
UNISS includes three out-of-town campuses, which host some of the academic activities performed by the University Departments:

  • Olbia, the main industrial port city of North Sardinia, is located in the North-East of the island and hosts the Degree program in “Tourism marketing and Management” and a Master in Science Program in “Tourism Management”.
  • Nuoro is a city located at the very heart of the island, on the verge of the National Park of Orosei and Gennargentu. The city hosts a University Hub that includes courses organized by the Departments of Agriculture, Law, and Medicine.
  • Oristano is a city that lies on the central West coast of the island and hosts several courses organized by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of History and Human Sciences.

In agreement with the other autonomous institutions, it undertakes to promote the sustainable development of Sardinia and to transfer knowledge across the territory, working for its cultural, civil, economic and social progress.
Today, this medium-sized University, with over 12,000 students and around 700 scholars, consists of 11 Departments, which also collaborate with a number of academic and research centers and institutes. In addition to its 50+ institutional courses, it also offers a wide range of post-graduate studies and research activities, including PhD courses, medical specialisation schools, advanced training programs and international exchange projects. In the context of this project, the University of Sassari will involve particularly the department of History, Human Sciences and Education. The University of Sassari will be responsible for the scientific coordination of the Project.

The main areas of activity of the University of Sassari, being a HEI, are higher education, scientific and technological research in an international perspective, and the development of the local community (the so-called Third mission). By offering accessible and relevant courses, it provides knowledge and connections for people to achieve their personal and professional goals. The University of Sassari and its reserachers have an extensive expertise in carrying out regional, national and international research project in several areas. They also matured significant experience on the EU’s and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the university of Sassari has an extensive experience in managing international projects having been beneficiary and partner in: Mobility projects – Socrates-Erasmus (1998 – 2007), LLP Erasmus (2007 - 2013) and Erasmus+ (2014 - 2021).

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